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Valid for purchases of at least £39. is managed and administered by Gallerix AB. The company is registered in Sweden under organization number 556775-9393. The company's UK VAT registration number is 139 6440 95. Gallerix head office is located at Västergatan 6D, 352 30 Växjö, Sweden.

Gallerix provides access to (called "this website"). All of our products and services are sold according to terms and conditions stated on this page.

Read the terms and conditions thoroughly before use of the website. By using this website, you approve to its terms and conditions in full.


1. Your account
When using this website you hold responsibility for keeping account username and password secret and for keeping others to gain access to your account information. You hold responsibility for all events that occur on your account and by use of your password. You commit to take necessary actions to keep password and account information secret. If you suspect that others may know or use your password, this must be reported to us.

Make sure all information given to us is correct and complete.

Gallerix will only sell to those able to pay by credit card or invoice. Persons under the age of 18 may only place orders if approved by parent or custodian.

Gallerix claims the right to deny access to this website, close an account, delete or change content or make annullment to orders at any time. If an order is annulled, the client will not be held responsible for any payments.


2. Confidentiality
Read our confidentiality if you want more information about the way we secure personal information. Here you can also read terms and conditions applied to this website.


3. Access to the web page
We do our best to keep this website accessible at all time, without any interruptions and to make sure all transfers proceed without failure. Because of the nature of Internet, no guarantees can be made. Access to this website can at any given time be limited or denied due to reparations, maintenance or implement of new functions or services. We do our best to avoid or minimize such interruptions.


4. Permission to access the site
Gallerix grants access to limited personal use of this website. These permissions does not give you the right to download content (except for cache-functions) or change any parts of the website without written authorization from Gallerix. Any granted authorization does not include reselling or commercial use of this website or its content, including collecting and use of product range, descriptions nor prices. This website or parts of it must never be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited or of any other kind be used in commercial purposes without written authorization.


5. Limitations
You must never use any kind of frames to hide brands, logos or other kind of content (including pictures, page layout, text or information) from Gallerix without written authorization. You must never use metatags or "hidden content" along with our company name, trademarks, product names or brands. All unauthorized use of this website invalidates all previous authorizations, permissions and licences granted by Gallerix.

You must never use any logos, brands or copyrighted images or brands shown on this website as part of a link without written authorization given by Gallerix.

You must never use this website in a way that may cause interruption, harm, impairment or failure of this website, or prevented access to this website.

You must never use this website:

- in any kind of intended fraud, any kind of criminal activity or any other non legal use.
- to send, use or reuse any material that is unauthorized, offensive, defamatory, repulsive or threatening.
- in a way that violates copyright, brands, confidential information or other rights, or in any other way that could be harmful to a third party.
- in order to affect the website with viruses, political views, commercial views or spam.
- to cause harm, discomfort or unnecessary anxiety.


6. Copyright, legal statement and database rights
This entire website and all of its content (text, layout, images, logos, symbols and software) belongs to Gallerix or our content providers. All content is protected by european and international law and rights.

All software on this website belongs to Gallerix or our providers and is protected by european and international law and rights.

You must never download or reuse parts of this website without written authorization given by Gallerix. You must never use data mining, robots or collecting tools and/or software to collect or use significant parts of this website. You must never create or publish your own database that contain parts of this website (including our products and prices).

For more information, see section Legal assurance below.


7. Legal assurance and domains are administered and owned by Gallerix/Printgruppen Svenska AB.


8. Customer contract
When you place an order on this website a confirmation is sent to you by email. This email confirms that your order is received and contains all of the order information needed. You order tells us that you want to purchase a certain product. Your purchase is approved by us sending you the product. When placing an order a contract between you and Gallerix is set up. Gallerix is the rightful owner of a product until complete payment has been accomplished and Gallerix has received this payment.

Gallerix has the right to hold an order for security verification. Gallerix agrees to european and international rights and standards.


9. Service changes or addition of terms
We claim the right to make changes to this website, its policy and terms and conditions at any time. The use of this website and any order placed follows terms and conditions that are published and therefore applies at the time.


10. Events outside of our control
Gallerix can not be held responsible for delays or deficiencies in our commitments according to these rules, is delays or deficiencies in our commitments is caused by an event outside of our control. These rules does not effect your legal rights.


11. Limits of responsibility
If you fail to follow these rules, and Gallerix does not take action, we still have the right to claim or rights if you at a second point fails to follow these rules.


12. Jurisdiction and court
The use of this website, every order placed on this website and its terms and conditions go by european law and is considered to take place within the European Union. You approve, as well as Gallerix, to follow European law and rights.

These terms does not effect your legal rights.


© Gallerix 2021. All rights reserved.